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Commandcenter is the central application for OurCompose. It manages billing, instances, and support.

With Commandcenter we provide the basic ability to sign up for instances, choose the services you want to deploy and then deploy those instances for your organization.

It does this all seamlessly with behind-the-scenes scripts and requests to our internal services, providing customers only a basic view of what they need to customize their instance.

Commandcenter currently offers three tiers of pricing: minimal, personal, and personal plus. Right now our minimal is still being developed, but we have our personal, and personal plus plans ready to be deployed. Deploying the personal plan offers up to four services on your instance, making it a great jumping off point for anyone who wants to start to manage their digital life online with the cloud. From the personal plan we then offer the Personal Plus plan which gets more into hosting anything you need and offering our wide range of services.

Source code can be found on Gitlab