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Customizing the dashboard gives the ability to open nextcloud and have an overview of what may be going on in your digital life. With the dashboard widgets, you can check anything from reports, to jira tasks, to manage messages from Mail, Gitlab, Github, Reddit and Twitter.

Getting started with the Dashboard begins at the Adding Apps section of Nextcloud where the Dashboard section can be found.


After the widgets you would like to add have been added they can then be added the dashboard on the main page by hitting the customize button. By default the dashboard will be blank and not have any widgets configured or enabled.


After you have enabled the widgets, they are now accessible on the main page but need to be configured.


To configure these apps, either the "Connect to Service" Button can be clicked or you can click on your avatar on the top right, click settings, and then click Connected Accounts.


For Github and Gitlab Adding Access was a matter of adding Personal Access Tokens



As for Reddit and Twitter there is a popup that shows up in the browser asking for web+nextcloud link integration.


There is then a little connect button at the bottom of the Connected Accounts page that will allow you to authorize with Reddit to allow Nextcloud access to your feed.


Something to note is that as other application integrations are added, widgets become available through the dashboard. The best examples of applications which have an included widget which can be enabled are Calendar and Mail. The widget for mail shows unread mail and the calendar widget shows upcoming calendar events.