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SuiteCRM is an open source Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software solution that provides a 360-degree view of your customers and business.

SuiteCRM users have access to many types of information such as Accounts, Organizations, and Leads, which can be used to build a cross-section of the state of relationships with various entities. These can be represented with Spots to create graphs and charts, and can be put into user-defined Workflows, and managed within Projects and Tasks.

Administrators will create Users of the instance in the application. Those Users can be placed into Roles and Security Groups that follow the Principle of Least Privilege. 

Home Page

The home page is the first page that is displayed to you post-authentication. The home page has various elements that can be used and configured such as Dashlets, Dashboards and the Sidebar.

  • Dashlets are user-configurable sections displayed on the home page that give you a quick overview of your records and activity immediately after login.
  • Dashboards are different views that contain a pre- or user-defined set of Dashlets.
  • The Activity Stream displays recent updates for the Opportunities, Contacts, Leads and Cases modules.

Entry Views

Within the CRM you will be presented with various views. There are three main views:

  • LIST VIEW: This is the view that you are presented with when you navigate to your desired module.
  • DETAIL VIEW: This is the view that you are presented with when you view a record.
  • EDIT VIEW: This is the view that you are presented with when you edit a record.