Recently Updated Pages
Reoccurring Tasks and Automated Actions
Laundry. Team Meetings. Workouts. All of these things (and more) happen over and over again on a ...
Project Scope
Teams Projects can mean multiple things to multiple people. For us at OurCompose, we divide our ...
Main Board View
Columns Columns are the vertical representation of the state of the task. Collapsed Columns ...
This is your "homepage". It can be configured differently, but by default, it has the list of y...
I want to make a point about mobile: Only use mobile to work on a specific task; do not use it ...
Task Detail Page
This is the page that I have up whenever I'm working on the task itself. This will give me acce...
References and Relevant Links
Kanbanize - 32 Practical Kanban Board Examples
Deployment Configuration
There is not much to configure when deploying Kanboard. A couple things that are thinking of bei...
Official Site: Code: Documentation: https://...
Assignee/State Workflow
The assignee of a task is the person who is responsible for the task at the point it is at curren...
Columns and States
The single most important thing to configure are the states of a board, indicated by the columns....
Rows and Swimlanes
Rows - known colloquially as swimlanes - are used to break up the tasks on the board in one of se...
Portal is a web application deployed on each OurCompose instance allowing users to manage their i...
Getting Started
Deploy Upon deploying your instance from CommandCenter, once the instance is deployed, Portal wi...
Commandcenter is the central application for OurCompose. It manages billing, instances, and suppo...
WordPress: The Content Management System WordPress is an open-source content management system w...
Rundeck is runbook automation. Give anyone self-service access to the operations capabilities t...
Firefly III is a way to track and manage personal finances. It can help you keep track of your ex...
Jekyll is a Static Site Generator - this means it takes configuration files, templates, and text ...