OurCompose as a Development Platform

  • Swimlane: Revenue Streams
  • Column: Parking Lot
  • Position: 2
  • Assignee: AndrewCz
  • Creator: AndrewCz
  • Assigned Group: not assigned
  • Started:
  • Created: 2020/11/15 22:04
  • Modified: 2021/10/16 14:54
  • Moved: 2021/10/16 14:54

This would be a new line of business where people could use their own container images to deploy forks of applications that otherwise are being developed.

This would require code on the role side to specify custom container registries and repos.

This would require code on the playbooks side to allow for subdomains - to allow multiple domains for testing purposes.

This would require a different way to bill for instances that would account for instances being spun up and spun down on demand to test forks.

This would require multiple instances to be able to be deployed from one account.

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