Default variables are not enforced on every run

  • Swimlane: Service Resiliancy
  • Column: Parking Lot
  • Position: 11
  • Assignee: AndrewCz
  • Creator: AndrewCz
  • Assigned Group: not assigned
  • Started:
  • Created: 2021/01/21 00:12
  • Modified: 2021/10/16 14:52
  • Moved: 2021/10/16 14:52

WHY: When a service is added or removed, there is nothing that makes sure that the service passwords that should be there are there.

DONE: This will be done when every single run that deals with services makes sure that the vaulted/etc. passwords that we need to have set are set.

HOW: Every single time that we run install_services or install_skeleton, we want to run the script to vault passwords. That script should also be rewritten to be idempotent.

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