
  • Swimlane: Additional Services
  • Column: Idea
  • Position: 36
  • Assignee: AndrewCz
  • Creator: AndrewCz
  • Assigned Group: not assigned
  • Started:
  • Created: 2021/03/24 16:35
  • Modified: 2021/10/13 22:05
  • Moved: 2021/10/13 22:05

One of the main reasons for going self-hosted is to own your data and prevent any vendor lock-ins. Appwrite is a full-blown open-source Firebase Alternative with over 4.6k stars on Github and is under rapid development. Appwrite features everything that you would expect from a Backend As A Service, Authentication, Databases, Storage, Cloud Functions, Cron Jobs, and much more. We have Client-Side SDKs for Flutter and Web and Server Side SDKs for PHP, Python, Node, .NET, Dart, and many more.

Next time you're looking for a self-hosted Backend as a Service, do give Appwrite a look.

We have a super active Discord channel where we help a lot of devs on board 🙂 So if you ever get stuck while setting up Appwrite or simply want to get more information, our Discord Channel is the place to be. See you on the other side 🖖

You can find more about Appwrite here :

Internal links