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Dashboard/Board View Customization

Board Customization


Custom Filters

Searches that you can share among the team. They look just like regular filters that you can share with the rest of the board:



Predefined Content

These are templates that can be used for tasks to give a pre-defined title and description. These are best for when a certain type of task has various sections that need to be defined.


The title will be the name of the predefined content, and it is available underneath the description of any new task.


Tasks are shown on the dashboard based on which column they're in on their respective boards. Columns can choose to be either "Visible on the Dashboard" or not:


Sort Tasks in the Dashboard:


Note that any changes to this survives a refresh, because the parameter is in the URL. If the page is opened up in another tab/window/etc. without the parameter, it will default back to Priority.