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Kanboard uses a simple query language for advanced search.

The documentation below will show some of our most regularly used searches and what we find useful. Getting started right off the bat, Kanboard provides a list of useful filters to use. These can be found using the filter button next to the search page as seen in the screenshot below:



To jump into search here, we have the search open tasks by Assignee. This allows me to filter all open tasks for a specific user. The status checks the status of the task to prevent showing old or stale tasks on the board. Kanboard also provides the ability to search for your own assigned tasks using the Assignee:me filter. When I am feeling lazy, I end up using the manual search over the filter by me (this is more due to personal preference as both work). Either option works for filtering tasks assigned to yourself.



The other main search I use is searching  by tag - Searching by tag allows me to filter broader themes while looking at tasks. Filtering by tasks allows me to understand the content I need to complete around a specific group of tasks. In the example below I am looking at all open tasks tagged "Content Marketing"



The last major filter we use on our board is around complexity to ensure all tasks are complexitized and accounted for properly. We find all open tasks without a complexity to ensure they are properly marked, and this also helps us measure our workload over the next two week period. Below is an example of searching for tasks that don't have a complexity.
